At Rock Spirits, our goal is to deliver the highest possible quality product to our customers. Our experienced Quality team monitors our processes carefully through all phases of production to ensure that customer specifications are carefully followed, and that food safety and regulatory standards are met. The Quality and Food Safety Management Program is comprehensive and monitors product parameters through every stage of production. All products undergo sensory and analytical testing from receiving through the blending and packaging process. Analytical testing is completed in our fully equipped quality laboratory. Sensory testing conducted by the quality team to ensure that a consistent sensory profile is maintained. Packaging quality checks are carried during the production day and every bottle is evaluated for product integrity, visual quality, and adherence to customer specifications.
Beverage Development
Our technical team has the expertise to work with our customers on development of recipes for their new brands. We have strong relationships with alcohol suppliers from across the globe to source the best quality neutral grain spirit, rum, and whisky and can enhance the natural flavor characteristics of the distilled spirits with blending and flavoring techniques. Our customers range from start up entrepreneurs to some of the biggest names in the global market. We are very proud to say our team has been involved in creating several brands recognized by international spirits awards.